Argentina FAQs

Argentina FAQs

A bus ticket costs around €0.5, a 10-minute taxi ride costs around €4. A comfortable 10-hour bus ride – for example from Buenos Aires to Córdoba costs around €40.

With around €5 you can eat well in a snack bar, with €10 in a restaurant. Food from the supermarket will also cost you much less than usual – but don’t get too excited about all the “cheap” things, especially when you’re with Argentineans, for them it’s not so cheap as for you !

Argentine cuisine has a strong influence from Italian and Spanish immigrants. On almost every menu you will find pasta and pizza. “Empanadas” are more typical of Argentina (disk of dough stuffed with meat and onions or ham/cheese).

If you are a meat fanatic, you will feel like in heaven! The meat is delicious and the most typical way to eat it is in the form of barbecue called in Argentina “asado”.

If you like sweets, you will surely like “dulce de leche”, it is a very popular cream with a caramel taste. There are many desserts with “dulce de leche”: ice cream, cakes, alfajores (a kind of large biscuit with different “layers” of cream) that you can also spread on bread or eat pure if you wish. It’s a bit like the principle of “Nutella” in France, although the taste is different.

Argentinian cakes are very sweet – for some they even seem too sweet. The “media lunas”, in the form of small croissants, are also very typical and perfect for breakfast.

It’s a good idea to bring your debit or credit card and use it to withdraw your money. It’s better than the traveler’s check. Even if it is preferable to bring euros and change them in a “casa de cambio” because by withdrawing money the bank will take money from you on the withdrawal.

The exchange rate for one euro is around 50 pesos. You can see the updated exchange rate in, search “euro argentine peso”, it changes daily!

To change euros in cash or dollars into Argentine pesos, it is better not to do it inside the airports because outside it is much cheaper. Using a bank in the center of the city of Córdoba is VERY RECOMMENDABLE.

When withdrawing money from an ATM you need to be very careful. It is not recommended to withdraw small amounts each time because you are charged taxes and finance charges. The ATM does not allow you to withdraw a lot of money at once.

Do NOT carry your passport and/or national ID card with you in your bag, because if it is lost or stolen, you will be in trouble! It is recommended to make photocopies and use them daily.

Never carry too much money in your bag either. Keep in mind that the risk of theft is greater than in Europe: do not carry money or important documents in your backpack! Always keep them close to your body and not in places where you wouldn’t notice if someone took them off.

Here you can drink it, but for you it might not be so good. In many cases, foreigners had stomach problems after consuming tap water. It is suggested to buy bottled water, or sometimes in your accommodation they have a “water filter” that you can use without any problem in order to drink filtered water.

You can use your French mobile phone and put it on an Argentinian SIM card to access the Internet, it is important that you download the Whatsapp application because everyone communicates through it.

The first days will be real times of adaptation, so it is normal that you carry out simple tasks, in order to acquire knowledge of the organization, its functioning and its members. Don’t be shy about asking something you don’t know or asking for help when you need it. Over time, you will gradually feel integrated into the organization. Trust is very important in voluntary service. The organization trusts you, try to trust it too.

Nearly 90% of Argentina’s population has been baptized Catholic, and about 6% is Protestant. 90% do not practice religion by going to church, praying, etc., but in the minds of the majority, this is the obvious aspect of God’s attitude towards matters such as sexuality. All religions coexist peacefully in Argentina.