Realstep – General Terms and Conditions


Real-step is a company registered in Barcelona, Spain. These general conditions are valid from September 1, 2021.


The definitions below have the same meaning whether they are used in the singular or in the plural. “Provider” means all the providers of Services included on the Site.

“Service” means any service offered on the Site, in particular the reservation of transport services, accommodation, car rental, etc. “Site” means or

“User” means any user of the Site who browses, becomes aware of, reserves, reserves and/or purchases one or more Services offered on the Site.


The User must be at least 18 years old, be legally capable of contracting and using this Site in accordance with the General Conditions. The function of the Site is to assist the User in the search for Services in relation to travel and education.

Having as its main function that of mediator between the User and the Service Providers, in no case will the Site be held responsible for reservations and related financial transactions with the Service Providers. The User is therefore invited to consult the Specific Conditions of Sale of each Service Provider before making any reservation. The acceptance of the Specific Conditions by the User occurs at the time of the effective reservation.

Except in cases of fraud, of which it is up to him to provide proof, the User is financially responsible for his steps on the Site, in particular for the use that will be made of his User name and password. He also guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of the information concerning him provided on the Site. Use of the Site that would be fraudulent, or that would violate these General Conditions, will justify that the User be refused, at any time, access to the Services offered by Real-step and/or its Service Providers or other functionalities of the Site.



3.1 Real-step cancellation conditions

In the event of cancellation by the participant, Real-step must be notified in writing.

– If the cancellation occurs more than 12 weeks before your departure, we will refund the full amount paid, with the exception of the deposit of 300 EUR.

If your cancellation occurs less than 12 weeks before your departure, the following cancellation fees are charged on the total amount of the invoice:

Beyond 12 weeks: only the deposit of 300 EUR will be retained

8 – 12 weeks before departure: 50% of the total amount will be retained

4 – 8 weeks before departure: 70% of the total amount will be retained

0 – 4 weeks before departure: 100% of the total amount will be retained

From the 1st day of your project or in case of early return, no refund is granted.


3.2 Editing the project

Any change of program due to the participant must be specified in writing. By “modification” Real-step means any modification of dates, project or destination subsequent to the confirmation of your registration. This modification will be subject to acceptance by Real-step and/or the Service Provider concerned.

In addition, due to limited places on projects, all requests for cancellation, modification and/or refund must be made at least 12 weeks before the start date and BEFORE full payment is received.


3.3 Cancellation by Real-step

In the event of cancellation of a project by Real-step, the participant may accept an alternative and similar project or will be reimbursed the full amount paid.


The purpose of this article is to provide a detail of the Services for the purpose of informing the User. This article cannot be exhaustive and does not replace the Specific Conditions of the Partners.


4.1 Formalities related to Air Transport Services / Travel / Visa

  1. The trip

The trip is at the expense and at the initiative of the participant. Our prices do not include air transport costs or visa fees.

  1. Travel conditions

The conditions of execution of air transport are governed by the Specific Conditions of the airlines or Partners. It is the responsibility of the User to respect the instructions of the airlines and Partners and in particular with regard to the deadlines for presentation for check-in. It is advisable to arrive at check-in at least three hours before the departure time of the plane for international flights and at least two and a half hours in advance for domestic flights. It is recalled that with regard to the return flight, whatever the type of flight, it is often mandatory to confirm the return flight on site with the airline, no earlier than 72 hours before the scheduled date. It is therefore the User’s responsibility to confirm their return flight. Regarding open returns, it is advisable to book the return flight as soon as possible. The name of the airport, when the city served contractually includes several is quoted for information only and may be subject to possible modifications. The User’s attention is drawn to the need to provide for a sufficiently long period taking into account possible delays in the event of booking on the Site of a trip including a connection or a transit, in particular when the latter includes a change of airport.

  1. Formalities

The User is informed on the Site of the administrative and/or health formalities necessary for the execution of the trip. It is up to the User to take note of it. The completion and the costs resulting from these police, customs and health formalities required for your trip, such as in particular passport, national identity card, residence permit, parental authorization, visa, medical certificate, vaccination record are the responsibility of the ‘User. We draw your attention to the fact that the regulations of certain countries require passports to be valid for more than 6 months following the date of return. In addition, children aged 15 or over must imperatively be in possession of identity papers in their name. The formalities mentioned on the Site are intended for French nationals. If this is not your case, it is the User’s responsibility to inquire about the formalities applicable to his situation. In the event of loss or theft of a ticket, the User must make a specific declaration to the police and the airline and acquire another ticket from the issuing Partner, only the Specific Conditions of the Partner concerned being able to provide for a refund. .

  1. Obtaining a visa

Real-step will guide you through the visa application process and help you obtain all the necessary information to facilitate obtaining the necessary papers. However, the participants are solely responsible for these procedures and Real-step cannot be held responsible in the event of a change in the regulations or for any official decision which would prevent the participant from travelling. Real-step invites participants to consult the embassies and consulates of the destination countries for the exact visa requirements.

  1. Special rates

The User’s attention is drawn to the fact that many airlines offer special rates. These reductions depend on the airline and the flight concerned, the availability of seats, as well as the age of the travellers. Liability of air carriers It is recalled that the liability of air carriers is most often limited by the national or international law applicable to them, or by their own Specific Conditions. In terms of air transport, an extract of these conditions is given to the User with his ticket.

Electronic ticket

The electronic ticket is a non-materialized ticket. When booking such a ticket, the User must go to the check-in counter of the airline concerned, with valid travel documents (passport, visa, identity card, etc.), in order to get your boarding pass. The User must, therefore, respect the deadlines for presenting himself for registration.

4.2 Accommodation services

It may happen that certain activities offered by the Partners and indicated in the description appearing on the Site, are canceled in particular for climatic reasons, in the event of force majeure, stay outside the tourist season, or when the number of participants required for the realization activity is not achieved. The cancellation of any activity for a case of force majeure cannot in any case lead to any compensation for the benefit of the User. Concerning the circuits, the order of visit of the sites is given as an indication and could possibly be modified by the Service Providers.


4.3 Travel Insurance and Cancellation Insurance

  1. Travel insurance

For all international projects, Real-step requires a travel insurance including coverage for the risks of accident, illness, repatriation and civil liability. You can take out your travel insurance online with our partner Chapka Cap Student or Cap Working Holiday If you take out any other additional insurance, we will ask you to send us a copy in English.

Cancellation insurance

Cancellation insurance is optional but it is advisable to take it out at the time of registration. It is non-refundable and covers cancellation costs under certain exceptional circumstances such as: illness, exams, school failures, hospitalization or death of a family member. The details of the coverage of this insurance will be sent to you by email by our partner. Cancellation requests must be accompanied by supporting documents. If the cancellation guarantee comes into play, the amount of the stay is refunded, less an excess equivalent to the amount of the deposit and the guarantee premium.

Please note that this guarantee does not cover the cancellation costs incurred by the dismissal of the participant, nor the absence of participants after the start of the course.


5.1 Financial conditions

Unless otherwise specified in the Specific Conditions, the prices of the Services communicated on the Site are mentioned in Euros or in local currency, excluding shipping costs and any local taxes imposed by the authorities of certain countries.

The prices of the Services are subject to revision both upwards and downwards in the event of a change in the amount of taxes and exchange rates or the price of fuel. Price revisions, as well as the decision to apply changes to reservations previously registered, will be the sole responsibility of the Service Providers.


5.2 Methods of payment

In order to validate any reservation, the User must pay a deposit of 300 EUR at the time of registration. Full payment must then be made no later than 12 weeks before departure. Several payment methods are valid:

  • By secure electronic payment via Paypal: 5% of the total amount will be added to the invoice due to fees withdrawn by Paypal
  • By bank transfer (Real-step’s bank details will be indicated on the final invoice):
    • In the EU: 0% commission fee
    • Outside the EU zone: transaction fee of €22.60 per transfer
  • By credit card: via Stripe with 1.5% commission



6.1 Service Contact

The User can contact Real-step by email during the process of booking Services to obtain assistance, information and details on the purpose and conditions of the booking he is making. The personal data communicated by the User to Real-step are intended for Real-step and its Service Providers established in or outside the European Union for the purposes of processing the User’s request by the services of Real-step and , unless the User objects to Real-step to inform it of the products and services of its Service Providers. In this regard, Real-step is likely to send the User information allowing him to better know and better use his Site, to make him benefit from the promotional offers diffused on this Site and to propose him offers of his Partners. . Where applicable, offers from Real-step’s Partners may only be sent to the User by e-mail subject to his prior consent, in accordance with Real-step’s Confidentiality Charter appearing on the Site. In accordance with the amended Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the User has, at any time, a right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him. He can exercise this right by sending an e-mail from the “Contact” section of the Site.


6.2 Complaints service

  1. On the spot

Complaints must be made directly to representatives of the local Provider. If your request does not result in any change, we invite you to contact Real-step who will do everything possible to settle the dispute.

  1. b) On your return

Any request for information, clarification and any complaints must be sent to Real-step, which collects it in the name and on behalf of the Partners, within 30 days of the end of the stay by sending an email from the section ” Contact” of the Site. Complaints will only be accepted insofar as the difficulties to which they are subject have been reported to Real-step or to the Service Provider during the trip so that it is attempted to remedy them so that the damage is limited. suffered by the User. No claim will be accepted for loss(s), damage(s) or theft(s) of luggage, clothing or personal items placed under the User’s supervision during the duration of the stay, except in the event of proven fault by the Service Provider. Baggage checked in with an airline is only insured for the duration of the transport.



7.1 Pictures

Real-step and its Service Providers may take photos of participants during their stays. These photos may be used by us in our brochures or other information media. Participation in a project implies the participant’s acceptance of this use. Participants may object to this use of their image provided they notify us in writing before departure.

7.2 Social networks

Real-step may also follow the participants on their social networks, share their content and reuse it for its Site or its information media. Real-step will ask participants for their permission when registering.


8.1 For the use of the Site

No guarantee is given to the User with regard to:

  1. the absence of anomalies, errors and bugs likely to affect navigation on the Site or the implementation of any functionality offered on the Site;
  2. the possibility of correcting these anomalies, errors or bugs;

iii. the absence of interruption or failure in the operation of the Site;

  1. the possible compatibility of the Site with particular equipment or configuration. Under no circumstances will Real-step be liable for direct or indirect and/or immaterial, foreseeable or unforeseeable damages (including loss of profits or chance…) arising from the supply and/or use or total or partial impossibility to use the functionalities of the Site. The hypertext links present on the Site allowing the User to be referred to other Internet sites have the sole purpose of facilitating the User’s research. In any case, the User declares to know the characteristics and limits of the Internet, in particular its technical performance, the response times for consulting, querying or transferring data and the risks related to the security of communications.

8.2 For the Services

The User acknowledges that acting as a simple intermediary, Real-step cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable in relation to the Service contracts that the User has concluded with one or more Service Providers.


The Site, its content and all the elements constituting it, are creations for which Real-step, if applicable, its Service Providers, hold all the intellectual property rights and/or exploitation rights, in particular under copyright, database law, trademark law, and design and model law. The Site, as well as the software, databases, texts, information, analyses, images, photographs, graphics, logos, sounds or any other data contained on the Site remain the exclusive property of Real-step and/or the Service Providers or, where applicable, of their respective owners with whom they have entered into user agreements. The User is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable and private right to use the Site and the data contained on the Site. The right thus granted consists of (i) a right to consult online the data and information contained on the Site and (ii) a right of reproduction consisting of printing and/or saving the data and information consulted. This right of use applies only for strictly private use. Any other use of the Site, in particular commercial, by the User is prohibited. The User is prohibited in particular, in a non-exhaustive manner, from reproducing and/or representing for a use other than private use, selling, distributing, issuing, translating, adapting, disseminating and communicating in whole or in part in any form whatsoever any element , information or data from the Site. In addition, the User is prohibited from entering, by any means whatsoever, data likely to modify or affect the content or presentation of the Site. Any hypertext link with the Site, whatever the type of link, must be the subject of prior authorization from Real-step, acting in the name and on behalf of the holder of the right concerned, in paper or electronic form. The use of any software downloaded from the Site allowing access to certain Services or functionalities is governed by the terms of the license accompanying it. The User undertakes not to install, copy or use this software before having previously agreed to the terms of the said license. For any software not accompanied by a license, the User is granted a temporary, private, personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use this software in order to be able, to the exclusion of any other use, to access to the Services and functionalities which make the use of this software necessary. By installing or using the software, the User agrees to comply with this condition.


The information communicated by the User on the Site makes it possible to process and execute his reservations. The Confidentiality Charter available on the Site sets out all of the stipulations relating to the protection of personal data. In the event of any contradiction between these T&Cs and the Privacy Policy, the latter shall prevail. Other requests for information calling for an optional response, or information relating to the User’s interest in the offers likely to be addressed to him are intended to get to know him better and to improve the services offered to him. Unless opposed by the User, Real-step may communicate this optional information concerning the User to its Service Providers, including outside the European Union. The User expressly consents to this transfer. Real-step is likely to send the User by any means (electronic, paper, sms, etc.) information allowing him to better know and better use their respective sites, to make him benefit from the promotional offers diffused on these sites and to propose offers from their Partners, in strict compliance with the provisions of the law “for confidence in the digital economy” and the law “computing and freedoms” modified, subject to the prior consent or opposition by the User, according to the cases referred to in the Privacy Policy appearing on the Site. In accordance with the amended Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the User has, at any time, a right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him. He can exercise this right by sending an e-mail from the “Contact” section of the Site.