RealStep Charter

RealStep Charter

RealStep is not only offering international experiences, but above all it is real support work, which begins even before you register, on sustainable development projects. We are committed to various key aspects of our structure, to respect the ethics and values that we wish to transmit.

We only offer sustainable development projects

All our programs are permanently available, we do not offer any temporary assignments on RealStep in order to have a real lasting impact on communities and ecosystems. All projects are in collaboration with local communities. They therefore evolve to best meet their needs, in order to make our contribution as useful and effective as possible. Permanent staff are present on all of our assignments, ensuring the ongoing smooth running of projects. We offer long-term projects, of 4 weeks minimum, in order to reduce your carbon footprint as much as possible. Indeed, the longer the mission, the more this footprint decreases.

We only offer sustainable development projects

We match the profiles of the participants with the needs of the different missions, to offer the most beneficial experience for the volunteer as well as to offer an optimal contribution to the project. The placement is carried out through a real personalized approach, with a single interlocutor. The latter identifies your motivations, assesses your know-how, and organizes a telephone interview to find the project that suits you best. During each registration, we ask for the following documents to ensure a smooth experience: participant’s criminal record, CV and a language test. The quality of this placement work is the result of 10 years of experience with thousands of participants, giving rise to a real expertise that allows us to identify the needs of each one as accurately as possible.

We only offer projects that we know

We have personally visited each of the destinations, so we know the permanent staff and the locals. We thus guarantee real support from them on site, with emergency lines permanently available to guarantee your safety. We also guarantee the ethical purpose of each of the missions available on RealStep. We have made sure to collaborate only with reliable and transparent organizations that share our values to avoid any project at risk and in disagreement with our principles. We are permanently in contact with all our partner organisations, on a weekly basis, for a complete and real follow-up of the progress of the projects and their results.

We are a transparent organization that accompanies you before, during and after the mission

We set up a complete informational process in order to best prepare your departure before the start of the mission. This involves guides, support sent by email, as well as feedback available from our ambassadors. We are also constantly available for any misunderstandings or questions on your part. On site, we are always in contact with the participants if necessary, directly or through the host structure. We are available in case of emergency, and look for solutions to all situations on site: we do not leave volunteers alone in case of problems! The follow-up continues even after the mission, with feedback on the experience and maintained contact with the participants.


Information that NGOs are not allowed to share with Freepackers – Details of participants’ medical treatments/health conditions (unless they are level 4 or 5, as noted below). – Reports on incidents that are not related to behavior or discipline issues. Information that NGOs are allowed to share with Freepackers Level 4 and 5 medical emergencies: – Severe aggression – Disappearance of the participant for more than 12 hours – Medical emergency (illness or injury) resulting in hospitalization – The recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reach a level requiring an evacuation. – Serious event (natural disaster, hostage taking, terrorism, political crisis, riots) affecting the immediate security of the team. – Death (level 5) – Medical evacuation (level 5) – Information in case of eviction
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