Humanitarian internship in Spain
Humanitarian internship in Spain
Humanitarian internship in Spain

Useful information

Barcelona is a seaside city with abundant culture, legendary architecture, sunny beaches and picturesque neighbourhoods.
Barcelona’s history is synonymous with the Mediterranean and a maritime tradition that dates back to Roman times. The city has thrived thanks to its geographical location; its coastline represents a wide range of resources and activities for residents and travelers.

Specialized educator
Social worker
Medical and paramedical course




Intermediate English, Intermediate Spanish


Description of the program

If you are asking yourself the question: "How do I do a humanitarian internship in Spain? " we have a solution. Like all of our humanitarian internship programs, this project in Barcelona allows you to gain university credits while making a genuine difference in the community. In this project, interns will assist centres that serve children, adolescents and adults with physical and mental disabilities.
The centres provide many young people and adults with mental and physical stimulation to improve their quality of life.


do a humanitarian internship

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Students will work alongside a team of local staff and participate in specific activities, primarily related to arts and crafts, physical therapy, exercise, and activities such as swimming or walking with dogs.

Even if you don't focus on day-to-day operations such as food preparation, meal service, cleaning or personal hygiene, you should be prepared to help when it's really needed.

This project is well suited to compassionate and patient people. You will work closely with local staff. Previous experience or training in the medical or social field will be required to participate in this assignment as a professional or intern.

Host organization

This non-profit association in Barcelona has been working with young people and adults in need of mental and physical stimulation for many years.
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It is important that our actions are guided by a deep benevolence so that we can give but also receive.

Program description

If you are asking yourself the question: “How do I do a humanitarian internship in Spain? ” we have a solution. Like all of our humanitarian internship programs, this project in Barcelona allows you to gain university credits while making a genuine difference in the community. In this project, interns will assist centres that serve children, adolescents and adults with physical and mental disabilities.
The centres provide many young people and adults with mental and physical stimulation to improve their quality of life.


Students will work alongside a team of local staff and participate in specific activities, primarily related to arts and crafts, physical therapy, exercise, and activities such as swimming or walking with dogs.

Even if you don’t focus on day-to-day operations such as food preparation, meal service, cleaning or personal hygiene, you should be prepared to help when it’s really needed.

This project is well suited to compassionate and patient people. You will work closely with local staff. Previous experience or training in the medical or social field will be required to participate in this assignment as a professional or intern.

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do a humanitarian internship

Students will work alongside a team of local staff and participate in specific activities, primarily related to arts and crafts, physical therapy, exercise, and activities such as swimming or walking with dogs.

Even if you don't focus on day-to-day operations such as food preparation, meal service, cleaning or personal hygiene, you should be prepared to help when it's really needed.

This project is well suited to compassionate and patient people. You will work closely with local staff. Previous experience or training in the medical or social field will be required to participate in this assignment as a professional or intern.

do a humanitarian internship

Host organization

This non-profit association in Barcelona has been working with young people and adults in need of mental and physical stimulation for many years.

It is important that our actions are guided by a deep benevolence so that we can give but also receive.

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It is important that our actions are guided by a deep benevolence so that we can give but also receive.

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