Marine conservation training in the Seychelles
Marine conservation training in the Seychelles
Marine conservation training in the Seychelles

Useful information

Help protect the marine ecosystem with this Seychelles-based training to work in the environmental field. The team of coordinators will welcome you and train you on the different environmental issues of the region.

The planned training program is comprehensive, including a theoretical part in addition to practical experience in the field, in order to improve both your diving skills and your knowledge of the marine biodiversity of the Seychelles. You carry out research and other study projects on the reefs of the archipelago, and contribute to the surveys carried out by the local government to put in place the best environmental conservation strategies.

You will also benefit from various environmental education courses to better understand the work of our partner organization and raise awareness in local communities.

NGO Project Coordinator
Protected site manager
At-sea observer
Local developer




Intermediate English


Description of the program

The marine research program in Seychelles provides all the professional knowledge and techniques to work in the environmental field. Raising awareness of environmental issues among locals and visitors is one of the objectives of this project to positively influence policy decisions on conservation strategies.

The participants are specialized in marine conservation, and learn the techniques of research on the marine species of the region during the initial trainings preparing them for diving. Once this training is completed, weather permitting, you can dive to carry out these underwater searches. You will also participate in other activities such as training sessions, marine debris collection, surveys...


work in the protection of the environment

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Like all of our training courses for working in the environment abroad , this project in the Seychelles allows you to benefit from complete learning while contributing to the preservation of the region's ecosystems.

This project is part of the so-called career training:

This vocational training program is part of the so-called “career” projects. In addition to the mission that you carry out on site, it allows you to benefit from real support, and to access in 6 months the position of project coordinator to work in the field of the environment, or other.

Remote projects included in professional training will be carried out AFTER having carried out the mission in the field.

If your training lasts 4-11 weeks, you will work on a remote project for a period of 4 weeks after completing the field assignment.
If your training lasts 12 weeks or more, you will work on 2 remote projects for a duration of 8 weeks after completing the field mission.

Here you combine theoretical training with practical learning, with online modules to be completed after the end of the mission. At the end of the program, you obtain an international certification recognized and issued by the University of Richmond, in the United States.

The accompaniment is therefore present upstream, on site but also downstream of the project. During the course of the mission, you will also have a remote project to carry out: you will have to solve a problem with other partner organizations in marine conservation, environment, animal protection... A coach will follow you and support you to help you in the best possible way in the resolution of these problems, and at the end of the project you will have access to a platform of job offers in NGO to work in the field of the environment in the whole world

For more information on the employment guarantee conditions, click on the link:

Conditions on the job guarantee

Take a closer look at all the specificities of this training as a career program !

Training to work in the environmental field

Each week, participants work 40 to 45 hours on the project, and have 2 free days per week, most often during weekends.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, local NGOs and government agencies, you will participate in the following activities:

  • You will be trained, 4 weeks before your arrival, online to be operational from the start of the program in Seychelles.
  • You will monitor and collect different data on the coral reefs according to the seasons, to study and compare their state.
  • Depending on the season, you will observe the movements of whale sharks, turtles, invertebrates...
  • You will participate in the preservation and restoration of corals (collection, cleaning, transplanting to new sites, depending on the season).
  • You will dive to clean the seabed.
  • You will raise environmental awareness in the local community.

You will study all of these subjects on 24 different sites throughout your training.


Remember that the course of the training in the Seychelles, which allows you to work in the field of the environment, depends on the season and the needs defined by our local collaborators.


Host organization

Founded in 1997, our partner organization coordinates projects around the world and offers training on all 5 continents to work in the environmental field.
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Our partner works closely with local organizations on long-term projects. They work only under the supervision of the community leaders and at their request.

Sustainable solutions, minimum impact on the environment:

- Creating sustainable solutions to support self-sustaining communities.

- Ensuring access to clean water sources.

- Developing micro-enterprises around food, with a particular focus on education and agriculture.

- Supporting local schools with school supplies.

- Providing expertise and ideas on energy and electricity issues.

- Implementation of studies and educational programs on the marine environment.


United Nations member organization

Our partner organisation sits on the United Nations International Commission on Sustainable Tourism. All their initiatives and volunteer projects are led by experts in collaboration with the local population and national governments.


Program description

The marine research program in Seychelles provides all the professional knowledge and techniques to work in the environmental field. Raising awareness of environmental issues among locals and visitors is one of the objectives of this project to positively influence policy decisions on conservation strategies.

The participants are specialized in marine conservation, and learn the techniques of research on the marine species of the region during the initial trainings preparing them for diving. Once this training is completed, weather permitting, you can dive to carry out these underwater searches. You will also participate in other activities such as training sessions, marine debris collection, surveys…

Like all of our training courses for working in the environment abroad , this project in the Seychelles allows you to benefit from complete learning while contributing to the preservation of the region’s ecosystems.

This project is part of the so-called career training:

This vocational training program is part of the so-called “career” projects. In addition to the mission that you carry out on site, it allows you to benefit from real support, and to access in 6 months the position of project coordinator to work in the field of the environment, or other.

Remote projects included in professional training will be carried out AFTER having carried out the mission in the field.

If your training lasts 4-11 weeks, you will work on a remote project for a period of 4 weeks after completing the field assignment.
If your training lasts 12 weeks or more, you will work on 2 remote projects for a duration of 8 weeks after completing the field mission.

Here you combine theoretical training with practical learning, with online modules to be completed after the end of the mission. At the end of the program, you obtain an international certification recognized and issued by the University of Richmond, in the United States.

The accompaniment is therefore present upstream, on site but also downstream of the project. During the course of the mission, you will also have a remote project to carry out: you will have to solve a problem with other partner organizations in marine conservation, environment, animal protection… A coach will follow you and support you to help you in the best possible way in the resolution of these problems, and at the end of the project you will have access to a platform of job offers in NGO to work in the field of the environment in the whole world

For more information on the employment guarantee conditions, click on the link:

Conditions on the job guarantee

Take a closer look at all the specificities of this training as a career program !

Training to work in the environmental field

Each week, participants work 40 to 45 hours on the project, and have 2 free days per week, most often during weekends.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, local NGOs and government agencies, you will participate in the following activities:

  • You will be trained, 4 weeks before your arrival, online to be operational from the start of the program in Seychelles.
  • You will monitor and collect different data on the coral reefs according to the seasons, to study and compare their state.
  • Depending on the season, you will observe the movements of whale sharks, turtles, invertebrates…
  • You will participate in the preservation and restoration of corals (collection, cleaning, transplanting to new sites, depending on the season).
  • You will dive to clean the seabed.
  • You will raise environmental awareness in the local community.

You will study all of these subjects on 24 different sites throughout your training.

Remember that the course of the training in the Seychelles, which allows you to work in the field of the environment, depends on the season and the needs defined by our local collaborators.

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work in the protection of the environment

Like all of our training courses for working in the environment abroad , this project in the Seychelles allows you to benefit from complete learning while contributing to the preservation of the region's ecosystems.

This project is part of the so-called career training:

This vocational training program is part of the so-called “career” projects. In addition to the mission that you carry out on site, it allows you to benefit from real support, and to access in 6 months the position of project coordinator to work in the field of the environment, or other.

Remote projects included in professional training will be carried out AFTER having carried out the mission in the field.

If your training lasts 4-11 weeks, you will work on a remote project for a period of 4 weeks after completing the field assignment.
If your training lasts 12 weeks or more, you will work on 2 remote projects for a duration of 8 weeks after completing the field mission.

Here you combine theoretical training with practical learning, with online modules to be completed after the end of the mission. At the end of the program, you obtain an international certification recognized and issued by the University of Richmond, in the United States.

The accompaniment is therefore present upstream, on site but also downstream of the project. During the course of the mission, you will also have a remote project to carry out: you will have to solve a problem with other partner organizations in marine conservation, environment, animal protection... A coach will follow you and support you to help you in the best possible way in the resolution of these problems, and at the end of the project you will have access to a platform of job offers in NGO to work in the field of the environment in the whole world

For more information on the employment guarantee conditions, click on the link:

Conditions on the job guarantee

Take a closer look at all the specificities of this training as a career program !

Training to work in the environmental field

Each week, participants work 40 to 45 hours on the project, and have 2 free days per week, most often during weekends.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, local NGOs and government agencies, you will participate in the following activities:

  • You will be trained, 4 weeks before your arrival, online to be operational from the start of the program in Seychelles.
  • You will monitor and collect different data on the coral reefs according to the seasons, to study and compare their state.
  • Depending on the season, you will observe the movements of whale sharks, turtles, invertebrates...
  • You will participate in the preservation and restoration of corals (collection, cleaning, transplanting to new sites, depending on the season).
  • You will dive to clean the seabed.
  • You will raise environmental awareness in the local community.

You will study all of these subjects on 24 different sites throughout your training.


Remember that the course of the training in the Seychelles, which allows you to work in the field of the environment, depends on the season and the needs defined by our local collaborators.


Host organization

Founded in 1997, our partner organization coordinates projects around the world and offers training on all 5 continents to work in the environmental field.

Our partner works closely with local organizations on long-term projects. They work only under the supervision of the community leaders and at their request.

Sustainable solutions, minimum impact on the environment:

– Creating sustainable solutions to support self-sustaining communities.

– Ensuring access to clean water sources.

– Developing micro-enterprises around food, with a particular focus on education and agriculture.

– Supporting local schools with school supplies.

– Providing expertise and ideas on energy and electricity issues.

– Implementation of studies and educational programs on the marine environment.

United Nations member organization

Our partner organisation sits on the United Nations International Commission on Sustainable Tourism. All their initiatives and volunteer projects are led by experts in collaboration with the local population and national governments.

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Our partner works closely with local organizations on long-term projects. They work only under the supervision of the community leaders and at their request.

Sustainable solutions, minimum impact on the environment:

- Creating sustainable solutions to support self-sustaining communities.

- Ensuring access to clean water sources.

- Developing micro-enterprises around food, with a particular focus on education and agriculture.

- Supporting local schools with school supplies.

- Providing expertise and ideas on energy and electricity issues.

- Implementation of studies and educational programs on the marine environment.


United Nations member organization

Our partner organisation sits on the United Nations International Commission on Sustainable Tourism. All their initiatives and volunteer projects are led by experts in collaboration with the local population and national governments.


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